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The HEAVEN SENT MESSAGES DVD with 182 Audio MP3 messages was originally $129 but is now available for $50 (27 cents per message.) That is almost all of the 128 DVDs in the ministry plus over 50 more key messages.

If you enjoy hearing Dr. S.M. Davis speak, and you can play Audio MP3’s, then this product is, without a doubt, the best deal that we have available in Audio version. Some ministries sell Dr. Davis’ audio messages for $8.00 a piece. At that cost, the value of this DVD would be $1,456.00!

Our MP3 DVD is ONLY data files that can be downloaded to your computer for playback there or on a MP3 player. MP3 FILES ARE AUDIO ONLY, NOT VIDEO. Permission is only granted for personal use and not for distribution.

There are 182+ messages on this MP3 DVD. Virtually every major message in the Solve Family Problems Ministry is on this 1 MP3 DVD. You'll also receive messages that are not available in our regular catalog or on-line.


182 message titles found on this MP3 DVD:

  • 2 of Life's Biggest Problems & How to Solve Them
  • 3 Key Elements of Successful Parenting
  • 4 Things Children Need from Parents
  • 5 Reasons Why I am NOT a 5 Point Calvinist – Pt. 1 & 2
  • 5 Things that Keep You from Growing
  • 7 Bible Truths Violated by Christian Dating
  • 7 Keys to Unlock Doors of Communication
  • 10 Steps to Victory Over Lust
  • 12 Reasons Why I Am For the Permanence of Marriage
  • Absurdities IF You Could Lose Your Salvation
  • Accountability: Missing Ingredient for Spiritual Victory
  • Anger the Destroyer
  • Are You a Dad or Just a Father?
  • Are You a Giver or a Taker?
  • Are You Offended or Unoffendable?
  • Avoiding Defrauding in Relationships
  • Bible Pictures of Godly Children
  • Breaking Family Curses
  • Can You Be Saved From All Your Sin All At Once?
  • Capital Punishment
  • Changing the Heart of a Rebel
  • Christ: The Husband's Example
  • Commitment to Purity
  • Conquering Satan's Strongholds
  • Consider The End
  • Dig Another Well
  • Discerning the Difference Between Pride & Humility
  • Doctor Jesus Wants to Heal You
  • Essential Principles for a Successful Courtship/Betrothal
  • Eternal Security
  • Expectations: the Enemy of Relationships & Gratitude
  • Exposing the Enticer
  • First Things First
  • Folly: The Dead Fly that Spoils Your Life
  • Foreseeing the Problems that Could Wreck a Marriage
  • Freedom from the Spirit of Anger
  • God's 7 Purposes for Authority
  • God’s Cure for Worry
  • God's Directions to Avoid Pitfalls in Misunderstandings
  • God's Plan for Finding a Mate
  • God’s Processes of Justification and Sanctification
  • God's Viewpoint of the Church
  • God’s Viewpoint on Abortion
  • God's Viewpoint On Having Babies
  • God's Way to Deal With Your Wrong Emotions
  • God's Weightiest Commands to Husbands, Wives and Parents
  • Hard Work: The Foundation of Character
  • Headcoverings?
  • How a Wife Can Use Reverence to Build or Save Her Marriage
  • How and How Not to Spank a Child
  • How God Encourages Us
  • How Right Priorities Prevent or Solve Life's Problems
  • How to Avoid Confusion Concerning Betrothal
  • How to Avoid the Destructiveness of a Wrong Self-Image
  • How to Avoid the Emptiness of a Meaningless Life
  • How to Be a Success as a Father
  • How to Be Just
  • How to Be Reconciled to Your Friend or Enemy
  • How to Bless Your Children and Others
  • How to Build a Storm-Proof Marriage
  • How to Conquer Fear & Develop Courage
  • How to Conquer Strong, Evil Habits
  • How to Deal with Difficult People
  • How to Deal with Failure
  • How to Deal with Guilt
  • How to Develop Character In Your Children
  • How to Empower Your Pastor So You Can be a Winner
  • How to Find or Leave a Church
  • How to Forgive Yourself
  • How to Get or Give Wise Counsel
  • How to Guard the Preciousness of Unity – Pt. 1 & 2
  • How to Help a Man with His Anger
  • How to Help Rebellious Adopted or Stepchildren
  • How to Help Weak Children Become Strong
  • How to Honor Your Mother
  • How to Humble Yourself
  • How to Increase Your Life Potential
  • How to Keep Children from Getting Bitter
  • How to Lengthen Your Life by Honoring & Obeying Parents
  • How to Name Your Baby
  • How to Parent as a Team
  • How to Solve LIfe’s Most Difficult Problems
  • How to Stop the Curse of Rebellious Children
  • How to Tell Right from Wrong in Confusing Areas of Life
  • How to Tell True Repentance
  • How to Train Children to Refuse Evil & Choose Good
  • How to Treat a Wounded Spirit
  • How to Pass On Your Convictions to Your Children
  • How to Protect Your Child
  • How to Rebuild Broken Trust
  • How to Respond When Hurt or Offended
  • How to Use Acceptance to Build Others
  • Instructions You Need to Conquer Your Land
  • Integrity: The Parent of Character
  • Justice, Mercy, Pardon and Consequences
  • Key Character Qualities of a Godly Man
  • Key Truths Single Parents Need to Raise Godly Children
  • Knowing When to Let Go
  • Looking to Jesus Not Idols
  • Missing Ministry - Older Women Teaching Younger Women
  • Multi-Generational Success
  • My Son, Give Me Thine Heart
  • Nothing Shall Offend Them
  • ONENESS: God's Goal for Your Marriage
  • Overcomer or Survivor?
  • Overcoming Discouragement
  • Parenting with a Diligent Hand
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Questions & Answers about Betrothal
  • Questions & Answers about Eternity
  • Remember Now Thy Creator
  • Repairing Really Rotten Relationships
  • Ruth & Boaz: A Biblical Love Story
  • Satan's Plan to Destroy the Husband/Wife Relationship
  • Seeds of Disintegration Planted by the Boyfriend/Girlfriend Philosophy
  • Should Christians Choose Burial or Cremation?
  • Sinning Against Great Light
  • Standing Alone
  • Strategy for Victory in Spiritual Warfare
  • Take Heed to Your Spirit
  • The 2 Trails Through Every Trial
  • The 7-Fold Power of a Wife's Submission
  • The ABCs of a Happy Marriage
  • The ABCs of the Christian Life
  • The Attitude No Lady Should Have
  • The Bible & Church Finances
  • The Blessings & Hazards of Friendships
  • The Blessings & Hazards of Friendships Q & A
  • The Christian’s Attitude toward Life and Death
  • The Christian’s Code of Honor
  • The Consequences of Living Life Without a Pastor
  • The Demonic-Like Nature of Anger
  • The Flag of the Christian Life
  • The High Cost of Anger
  • The Influence of Older Children On Younger Ones
  • The Kingdom of Your Influence
  • The Language of the Christian’s Clothing – Pt. 1 & 2
  • The Lord, the Seasons & the Harvest
  • The Meaning of Palm Sunday
  • The Mistakes Rebels Make
  • The Necessity of Replacing Evil with Good
  • The Providence of God
  • The Sin of Silence
  • The Spirit of Adoption
  • The Trial of the Burning Fiery Furnace
  • The Wisdom of Jabez
  • Timeless Bible Teachings About the Brideprice
  • Understanding and Dealing with Moodiness
  • Understanding and Practicing Biblical Tolerance
  • Understanding Baptism
  • Understanding Biblical Leadership
  • Understanding How Homes Relate to Each Other & the Church
  • Understanding Loyalty in a Disloyal World
  • Understanding Tithing
  • Victory Over the Dating Spirit
  • What Bitterness Does
  • What Character Is & Does
  • What Fear Does
  • What Impatience Does
  • What Pride Does
  • What the Bible has to Say About Scorn & Mockery
  • What the Bible Says about WAR
  • What to Expect After Age 12
  • What to Expect From a 12 Year Old
  • What Will You Do With Your Gifts?
  • What You Must Know to be Grateful
  • What You Need to Know From the Entire Bible
  • What's Wrong with Dating?
  • When Forgiveness Won't Work
  • When You Have to Drink the Bitter Cup
  • When You Miscarry
  • Why Satan Wants Your 1st Born
  • Why Should I Repent?
  • Why the Will of God is Best
  • Why You Keep Sinning & How to Stop
  • Why You Need to Listen
  • Your Choices Will Determine Your Future

Why Should I get the visual DVD instead of the audio CD version?


What is the importance of the visual DVD vs. the audio CD version?

The question that you want to ask yourself when trying to decide between purchasing the visual DVDs or the audio MP3 or CDs is: Am I dealing with a problem in this area? (Anger, Sibling Rivalry, Marriage etc.) If you're dealing with a known problem or if this is something that you would want your children to listen to then you will want to get the DVDs. If this is something that you are just interested in listening to that you don’t see that you are having a problem with then the audio version will be fine for you.

Please allow us to give an explanation of a phrase we often use in our counseling. The phrase is:


A weeping Mother gave this testimony: Please tell everyone to listen to you when you tell them that the visual DVDs really do make a difference! We thought we were doing a good thing when our daughter wanted us to purchase all of Dr. Davis’ audio cassette tapes. We didn’t see the necessity at the time of the videos and didn’t feel the need to spend the little extra, so we just purchased the audio version of the cassette tapes. I was calling for counsel not 2 months later because our daughter had left home and had ‘gone off the deep end.’ We didn’t know what to do so we called Dr. Davis’ ministry for counsel and sadly they had to tell us that she had missed the impact that the Visual had to offer and there is probably a slim to no chance that she would now come back and listen to the visual DVDs that she needed to help her since she had already listened to the cassette tapes in the audio format. The audio version ended up hurting us much more than helping us. It inoculated our daughter just enough for her to not be able to foresee the areas where Satan was working against her in her life and help her be able to change before it was too late. We, as the parents, did not even realize that we weren’t impacted enough by the audio version to make the changes that were needed in us until it was too late. Please tell others our story to save them more heartache!

Dr. Davis was speaking at a convention when a lady asked him why she needed the visual DVDs? He replied, “The difference in the visual and the audio is the same difference as sitting in the auditorium watching me speak and seeing the graphics on the screen or standing out in the hallway listening but not seeing.”

The visual DVDs give the impact that you need made on you personally to help you recognize a problem and be able to get victory over it. The audio version is not likely to give you that impact! It would be better for you to not hear the sermon at all than to get just enough to inoculate yourself or your child against dealing with the problem. If you truly want victory in this or any area for yourself or your child, you will NEED the visual and NOT the audio version. If you can't purchase everything you need at one time, we suggest that you start with the most needed first. (See our specials for the BEST possible price.) We are doing our best to try to help you deal with the problem you’re having and truly solve it once and for all.

On our DVD, “Anger, the Destroyer” Dr. Davis gives an analogy of anger and how that, “an angry Father is like a fire breathing dragon.” So, not only do you hear him state that phrase, but the full color picture of a fire breathing dragon comes up on the screen. The next time you find yourself becoming angry with your child, the picture of that “FIRE BREATHING DRAGON” pops into your mind and then helps you to realize that you at that moment are becoming a “FIRE BREATHING DRAGON.” The mental pictures help you to be able to DEAL with the problem. You completely miss that picture analogy if you are just listening to the message instead of watching it.

Quick, easy, cheap fixes of any life problem tend not to last. This is even truer in the spiritual realm than in the physical realm.

Disclaimer: Neither Dr. S. M. Davis nor Victory Baptist Church, Benton, AR, offers any guarantee for the results of following the counsel offered in this document or in the messages offered by this ministry, nor do they accept responsibility for any negative outcome resulting from following the counsel offered by this ministry.