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How to Find or Leave a Church
How to Find or Leave a Church

Product Code: FIND-CHURCH


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The most important decision of human life is . . . to trust Christ as Saviour.

The second most important decision is . . . concerning whom you will marry.

And the third most important decision may be . . . the church you attend and join. But for some people the choice of a church becomes the most important choice of life because without the right church you may not properly make the first two choices!

How do you find a church? The answer is simple but profound. Find a church that is preaching and encouraging its people to practice God’s truth.

When do you leave a church? When God moves you to a new location or you’re being sent or called to another ministry. You must also leave a church when it ceases to teach, preach or practice the truth.

When do you not leave a church? When you’re upset about something that is not a legitimate Biblical reason to be upset. Many people have left good churches for wrong reasons and have thereby destroyed their own family. Because the church is Biblically your second family, it becomes the safety net for your first family. Many young people’s entire lives and futures have been saved simply because the safety net was in place on the one day of their lives when it was desperately needed.

This product is only available in CD at this time.

Running Time 78 minutes

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5 of 5 May 2, 2019
Reviewer: Silas Clarke from Elbow Lake, MN United States  

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