Using much Scripture, along with the stories of several couples, Dr. Davis weaves together four essential Bible principles to help
people get safely and joyfully to the marriage altar: - 1 - Patience, which is being content with singleness without giving God a deadline when you feel you have to be married. Waiting is not something God does to you. Waiting is a part of God's process to develop you as you head to the marriage altar.
- 2 - Preparation, which means you don't consider anyone until you're truly ready for the responsibilities of marriage. A man who is not ready to support a wife is not ready to have a wife.
- 3 - Compatibility, which means the couple should be the same in five key areas of life while using the areas where they are different to build and complete one another. Areas of distinction easily turn into areas of disagreement unless a couple agrees in the key areas.
- 4 - Authority, which means don't do anything without the guidance of authority or against the wishes of authority.
Running Time: 58 minutes