This message is the sequel to the message, “Changing the Heart of a Rebel.” Most parents “let go” of a rebellious child when they should not, and don’t “let go” when they should.
Love must be strong enough to deal with rebellion and also strong enough to “let go” when unstoppable consequences start to come. The same “love” that isn’t strong enough to pay the price to deal with a child’s rebellion, also is often not strong enough to “let go” when the consequences of rebellion start to come.
In 1 Chronicles 13, Uzza put forth his hand to steady the ark of the covenant when it started to fall off the cart that was transporting it. When He did so, God smote him and he died. Uzza should have “let go” and let the ark fall!
Parents bail rebellious children out of jail, pay their fines, give them financial support, etc. Our government violates the same principle in other ways.
This message has principles every Christian may profit from hearing, but it is especially helpful for parents of rebels 18 or older and parents who wonder about their options with a problem child.
Running time: 54 minutes
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