Without a doubt, a wife’s most important responsibility in relation to her husband is to reverence him.
Submission is a wife’s position.
Reverence is her practice or activity.
Reverence is the command that balances and gives meaning to submission. It is also the thing that makes a wife a success as a wife. The need of a wife, given by her Creator, is for the
security of her husband’s love. The need of a husband is for his wife’s reverence.
- Reverence motivates a husband.
- It moves him.
- It builds him.
- It lifts him.
- It challenges him.
- It empowers him.
- It encourages him.
This message explains what reverence is, and also tells what it is not. It also tells how a wife used the power of reverence to save her marriage and win her husband to Christ.
Running time: 59 minutes