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How to Bless Your Children & Others
How to Bless Your Children & Others

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Product Code: BLESS


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One of the most powerful things a parent does for his child is to bless him, and one of the most terrible things any parent does is to curse his child. But blessings should not be limited to children. We should bless: the LORD; our nation; the lost; those who curse us; every member of our family; and especially those whose father did not give them the blessing. This message not only gives a solid Biblical foundation for understanding the blessing, but also explains how to use Scriptures and songs to give it. Also covered is why the blessing is important, when to give it and what happens when people don’t get it. (An unusual feature of this study is that Dr. Davis demonstrates how he uses the songs he wrote for his first 8 grandchildren right after they were born to bless them on a regular basis.)

Running time: 59 minutes

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5 of 5 June 4, 2024
Reviewer: Dana Weaver from Bryans Road, MD United States  

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