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12 Reasons Why I Am for the Permanence of Marriage
12 Reasons Why I Am for the Permanence of Marriage

Product Code: PERMANENCE


Media Type*:


There are few issues any more important to the home, as well as human life in general, than the issue of marriage itself.

  • What is marriage?
  • How is a marriage established?
  • How “permanent” is marriage?
  • What are the “grounds” for divorce?
  • What about the “exception clause?”
  • What is a “covenant?”
  • If someone has divorced and remarried are they truly married?
  • How bad is divorce?
  • What should people do who see a loved one or friend in a “bad marriage?”
  • Should those who believe that divorce is permissible defend their position?

This video not only contains numerous pictures of Dr. Davis’ 1969 wedding, but also tells the delightful story (with pictures!) of an 85 year old couple who had divorced twice and were remarried after meeting again in a nursing home!

Every church and family in America would do well to hear the truths in this key message.

Running time: 59 minutes

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